Tag Archives: place

At Home – Poem

At Home
By Diana Arco

Knock, knock…
The poet
Is always at home.
“Where?” – I ask -.
“Right in the heart
Shining out
From the soul.”
– I’ve heard. –

So, here it is
Where a poem,
Any poem at all,
Comes alive
To breath into
Our world.

Sensitive touch,
Truthful emotion,
Every single moment
It’s an opportunity
Close to the path
That it was chosen
In full acknowledgment.
One day,
One night
At its right time

For it flows,
Naturally and gracefully,
The gift awaken
That won’t sleep anymore.
Free expression
To the inspirational approach.
Never let go,
Never ignore,
Never deny.

Home Is

“All The Light, Life, Love, And Freedom From The Heart And Soul.”

Visit DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. today for your copy of, "The Composer and the Flycatcher."

Visit DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. today for your copy of, “The Composer and the Flycatcher.”

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A Nice Surprise Waiting For Us At The Pier


Greetings, everyone!

I went to California last week with my parents for a few work meetings, but we gave ourselves the freedom to escape -one day – to Imperial Beach http://www.sandiego.org/what-to-do/beaches/imperial-beach.aspx to enjoy the place, the sand, the water, the breeze, the people…all the nature around. It was so nice to take a deep breath, experience, and appreciate the gifts that we have in our planet, our home.
We decided to walk on the pier to get a better view of the ocean, and this is when we saw this little one right there at the middle. From all the times I’ve been visiting piers in USA this is the first one I see a Pelican this close… he even posed for my mom’s camera, lol.
I believe that when we bump ourselves with certain animal, this close, it’s because for something. I don’t believe in coincidences, I believe in messages, signs, that even when they look so simple, ordinary, we need to pay attention to what they are delivering.
What’s the pelican’s message then? There is an amazing web page that I like to visit from time to time when I experience something like this, so that’s what I did, and this is what I found about my new bird friend http://www.whats-your-sign.com/symbolic-pelican-meaning.html
It was amazing, because we walked at the very end of the pier and we just stayed there for a few minutes, and when we walked back the pelican was gone.

We really enjoyed this adventure and I thought to share it with you.

“All the light, life, love, and freedom from the heart and soul.”


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